Williamstown beach is located just 20 minutes from the Melbourne CBD.

About your experience…

From the moment you arrive you will be made to feel welcome. We want you to have a wonderful experience from start to finish. This includes making sure you can check in easily, work out where to go next, and feel supported throughout the morning.

Williamstown beach is easy to find and there is plenty of parking (some free, some paid). if you wish to get free parking, make sure you arrive a little early to allow time for a short walk.

The course will be very carefully explained shortly before you swim and you will also receive a full event briefing before the day so you can be relaxed when you arrive!

  • Check in

    When you arrive you will be given your race kit and instructions on what to do next. When the time comes to gather, you will assemble with your fellow swimmers on the sand and be given a briefing, so you know exactly where to swim and what to expect. Our team will look after you from start to finish!

  • Swim

    Whether you have done many swims, or whether this is your first time in an open water event, you will enjoy this! On the morning you will be gathered in the relevant group that matches your speed, given that we will have already determined your handicap/mark. Every swimmer will have the chance to win if they perform at their ‘personal best’!

  • Run/Swim/Run & Run!

    Don’t forget that if you like running there are 2 options that might suit you: A 200/200/200 Run/Swim/Run or a dedicated 400m run!

    The Run/Swim/Run race is based on the standard qualifying distance that lifesavers do when they prove their fitness to patrol. (200/200/200).

    The 400m is based on the classic 400 athletics track run, but this is on soft sand!!